Is TAXI Legit, a Ripoff, or a Scam?
March 14th, 2010
"Is Legit, a Ripoff, or a Scam?" I see this question in many blogs and forums on the Internet, and it can most easily be answered by clicking this link; Here, you'll see TAXI members who are signing deals and getting Film and TV Placements posting success stories in their own words - no editing, no advertising, just the plain old truth from current TAXI members. So, why do other musicians post stories about their lack of success using TAXI? Why weren't they successful using TAXI is big question! If the successful songwriters and artists are using the...
Music Marketing Online
March 5th, 2010Broadcast Quality Music Defined
March 3rd, 2010
Learn exactly what Broadcast Quality Music is and what it sounds like. Hear examples and see TV commercials that have really simple one-instrument music beds that earned their creators thousands of dollars. Virtually anyone with a home studio can easily make Broadcast Quality Recordings. Also answering these questions: • Can I earn money with Instrumentals and Songs? • How long should my tracks be? • What are "Universal Lyrics?" • Do my tracks need to be "Mastered" to be competitive? • What is a "Buttoned Ending," and do I need one? • How much money can I make? • What...
Music Promotion Online — Social Networking
January 21st, 2010
Promoting Your Music Online Michael Laskow's Music Promotion Panel Notes from 1/16/10 I was asked to join Bob Baker, Ariel Hyatt, Brian Mazzaferi and Tony VanVeen, the CEO of Discmakers and CDBaby, for a panel at this year's NAMM show. All but Brian are good friends of mine, so it was an honor and a pleasure to join them. Brian turned out to be a great guy, and I'm sure our paths will cross again soon. As I began to clean up my computer's desktop moments ago, I found the panel questions and my notes/answers and thought you might benefit...
Broadcast Quality Music with Just a Couple of Tracks?
January 13th, 2010
It's a new year, but I'm going to revisit a topic from last year... any year for that matter. Can you record Broadcast Quality Music if you have a limited home studio? Yes, but it depends what you're recording. If you're trying to do big, lush Orchestral tracks, you're going to need outstanding virtual instruments or samples and lots of tracks. If however, you want to start out with some simple ideas that can and very well should get some Film and TV placements, you'll be surprised by how little recording gear and instrumentation you can get by with. Imagine...
How to Submit Your Music
December 24th, 2009
Record labels, music publishers, production music libraries and music supervisors haven't traditionally accepted music submissions directly from songwriters, artists and composers. Unsolicited music was unfiltered, often a waste of their time, and rarely targeted to fit their needs. TAXI changed all that starting in 1992. It was the first company of its kind - a true game-changer for independent musicians - TAXI has been the industry leader ever since. I just got off the phone with a Film and TV composer from Dallas, Texas who inspired me to write this. He said, "I've been to your website and the websites...
Songwriters Need to Write Songs
December 9th, 2009
Real songwriters write songs. They write them as often as they can. They know that most will not make the grade, but they keep writing. Why? Because songwriting is a craft and like other crafts, it has to be practiced to be perfected. Could you expect to become a great golfer, painter, potter, novelist or pianist if you didn't practice every day? You know the answer. Some songwriters tend to wait for the muse. REAL songwriters write every day, knowing that the constant search for better, fresher, and more original ways to say, "I love you," will only come to...
Record Labels, Music Publishers, Music Supervisors, Songwriters, Composers & Artists Network at TAXI’s Convention
November 14th, 2009
Whether you were there to learn more about getting a record deal, placing your music in films and TV shows, or composing for video games, it was all there for the taking at TAXI's Road Rally last weekend. What did our members think of it? From our forum: There is no way I could possibly ever put into words just how much this Rally, my 2nd one, meant to me. Saying "Thank You" just doesn't seem to be enough. I'm still humbled and honored to have been given the Inspiration Award. It's going to get a prominent placement in my...
Record Labels Are Looking for Artists and Songs
October 24th, 2009
Major Labels, Indie Labels, Pop Labels, Rap Labels, Christian Labels, and Country Labels are actively looking for new artists every day. It's easy to think that songwriters and artists can make it on their own with all the great self-promotional tools and opportunities on the Internet. But looking at this week's Billboard Top 100 Chart, I can't find a single band or artist that has become successful on their own using the Internet as their only form of promotion. Yes, the Internet is a large piece of the music promotion puzzle, but it's a piece, not a panacea. Companies that...