Forwards for TAXI # S221218MK

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MODERN BUBBLEGUM POP SONGS with Female Vocals are needed by an International Music Licensing Company with lots of placements in Film, TV, and Advertising!

Forwards for TAXI # S221217GP

Disco” – Mr Emotional

Nervous” – Ammon and Liahona Olayan

“GIRL POWER” POP SONGS with Female Vocals are needed by an International Music Licensing Company with lots of placements in Film, TV, and Advertising!

Forwards for TAXI # S221222CK

Time Spent” – Lisa Anderson (AKA Lisa Mathews)

Islands” – Lisa Anderson (AKA Lisa Mathews)

You Don’t Think Of Me” – Smudgie

80’s-Style POP SONGS with Female Vocals are needed by a very successful EXCLUSIVE Music Licensing Company. This company has a very long history of lots and lots of really AWESOME placements, tons of which have been for TAXI members!