Forwards for TAXI # S241205AA

Facade” – Charlie Copper & Michael Lee

Band Aids” – Charlie Copper & Michael Lee

This Love” – Clifton Road

Here” – Mathan Sathy

Throw It All Away” – Hawk Björn

Gaslight” – Kat Werlinich

Forever High” – Charlie Copper & Michael Lee

Katie’s Song” – Luke Underhill

Wish” – Luke Underhill

MODERN LOVE BALLADS with MALE vocals are needed by an International Label for a very well-known K-POP Superstar who is on the hunt for his next hit Song!

Forwards for TAXI # S241218CY

LOVES TO BLAME” – Marla and Mitch Cantor

Disco” – Mr Emotional

MODERN R&B/DANCE POP SONGS with FEMALE vocals are needed by an International Label for a very well-known K-POP Superstar who is on the hunt for her next hit Song!

Forwards for TAXI # S241218XL

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TOP 40-Style POP SONGS with FEMALE vocals are needed by an International Label for a massively popular International SUPERSTAR who is searching for new material!