Forwards for TAXI # D250212CR

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Lots of TRADITIONAL CENTRAL/LATIN AMERICAN INSTRUMENTALS are URGENTLY needed by one of the largest, most-respected Music Libraries in the Film and TV world with a 30+ year track record of amazing placements.

Forwards for TAXI # S250127GF

Not Your Perfect” – Collo

Love Tonight” – 6am

Tons of FRESH, CONTEMPORARY POP SONGS (in a wide range of styles) with Male or Female Vocals are needed by an Exclusive Music Licensing Company with a large list of placements in Films, TV Commercials, and A-List TV Shows. This Company has signed lots of TAXI members over many years and nailed down lots of placements for them!

Forwards for TAXI # S250202YY

Against The Odds” – David Clipperton

Dark Roads” – Chris Du Brock

Throwdown” – Real Pickle

Lots of EPIC HIP-HOP/ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a Music Licensing Company with a super strong list of placements in Films, TV Commercials, and A-List TV Shows. This Company has signed lots of TAXI members over many years and nailed down tons of placements for them!

Forwards for TAXI # S250212GE

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INDIE ROCK ARTISTS or BANDS with Male or Female Vocals are needed by a promising new Record Label started by two highly experienced industry veterans with impressive track records!

Forwards for TAXI # D250208HV

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Lots of ORIGINAL BALKAN INSTRUMENTALS (in a wide range of styles) are needed by a leading Music Licensing Company with an excellent track record of placements outside of the U.S. market. This Company is distributed internationally by Multiple World-Class Publishers that work with shows that air virtually everywhere in the world.