The forwards below only include tracks from TAXI Members who have marked them as “Public.” Any forwards marked “Private” are not included but have still been forwarded to the music industry.
Forwards for TAXI # S241226TR
No public submissions were forwarded.
Lots of AUTHENTIC TURKISH SONGS with Male or Female Vocals are needed by a very successful EXCLUSIVE Music Licensing Company with a long history of AWESOME placements for TAXI members!
Forwards for TAXI # S241222SU
“Get it Right” – Devon S. Kelly
“We Survive” – GWENDOLYN
“Over That Mountain” – Frederick Rush
Lots of SONGS with Lyrics about PERSEVERANCE and Male or Female Vocals are needed by a high-end Music Licensing Company that gets tons of great placements and offers a very artist-friendly deal to the people they sign!
Forwards for TAXI # S250105HA
“Bound For Glory” – Darren Glover
“Transcendence Hybrid” – Andrew Salmonsen
“Exhale” – Michael Aranda
Lots of ORCHESTRAL/HYBRID TRAILER-Style INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a BRAND NEW Music Licensing Company, led by a CEO with a strong track record of working with Major Clients and landing some very notable placements. They are currently looking to build up their catalog, and this is a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor with a Company that is poised to make waves in the industry!
Forwards for TAXI # S250104RK
Lots of TRADITIONAL TURKISH INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a very successful EXCLUSIVE Music Library. This company has a very long history of lots and lots of really AWESOME placements, tons of which have been for TAXI members!
Forwards for TAXI # D250102WQ
No public submissions were forwarded.
Lots of QUIRKY DRAMEDY INSTRUMENTALS with MIDDLE EASTERN-Flavor are needed by a leading Music Licensing Company with an excellent track record of placements outside of the U.S. market. This Company is distributed internationally by Multiple World-Class Publishers, so they work with shows that air virtually everywhere in the world.