Forwards for TAXI # S250113RP

Preludio del Conquistador” – Life Is A Myth

Tranquil Survey” – Bradley Gray

Fluid Motion” – Pete Checkley

Ingenuity” – Benjamin Warren

Rising Hope” – Phil Moore

Patterns” – Tom Quick

Questions to Answer” – Scott Ross

A Moment in Time” – edmond redd

Gentle Winds” – Sharon West

Molecular Awareness” – John Van Houdt

Delicate Momentum” – Will Edwards

Fading Memories” – Reed Gesteland

Colourful Symmetry” – Elysa Tancheff

Lots of GENTLE PIANO/MALLET-Based INSTRUMENTALS and/or INSTRUMENTAL CUES are needed by a Great Music Licensing Company with lots of Film and TV placements. They have been kicking things up a notch lately with loads of International placements, and have secured a few TAXI members some significant royalties recently!

Forwards for TAXI # S250115SE

Indonesian Celebration (Instrumental)” – Camille Janus

Mystic Fountain” – G. Scott Russell

Lots of TRADITIONAL SOUTHEAST ASIAN INSTRUMENTALS are needed by a top-notch International Music Licensing Company with a GREAT track record of placements!